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What is SAP Business Application Studio?

The new cloud-based development environment, known as SAP BAS (business application studio), is designed specifically for the productive creation of business applications for SAP’s multi-cloud environment. With the help of SAP Business Application Studio, users of SAP products may easily develop and expand their existing SAP offerings.

As a virtual container that runs on a Linux-based architecture and is built on Eclipse Theia, SAP BAS gives users a seamless integration of DevOps and development. 

Features of SAP Business Application Studio

  • Build and deploy applications:

    Aids in the development and deployment of applications for on-premise SAP systems.

  • Development space manager:

    You can enhance application development by including additional tools and several other elements. Additionally, the dev space manager allows you to create, delete, run, stop, and export the dev space.

  • IDE tools:

    Integrates several functional elements, such as quick access and search areas, a command-line interface (CLI), and built-in support for Git.

  • Code editor:

    enables you to construct the application using a code editor and programming languages, including Typescript, XML, Java, Node.js, Python, and more.

  • Layout editor:

    The layout editor enables programmers to create user interfaces (UIs) for programmes. A variety of UI controls are available for you to add to your project.

Benefits of Business Application Studio of SAP

  • Developers can use industry standards without switching between different programmes.

  • By directly executing commands through a built-in command line, productivity is increased.

  • It provides a single environment for all apps, which is beneficial, thanks to the Business application studio.

  • It doesn’t need to be installed or set up locally.

  • With just one click, you can quickly deploy your app to the cloud or mimic a test locally using the run configuration tool.

  • Integration with the API Hub and on-premises and cloud systems.

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