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SAP S/4HANA Readiness Check

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Navigate Your : SAP S/4HANA Transition with Expertise and Insights

Moving to SAP S/4HANA involves technical, functional, and operational complexities. LMTEQ’s SAP S/4HANA Readiness Check 2.0 offers a transitional road plan. We at LMTEQ are aware of your specific needs. LMTEQ’s unique strategy addresses challenges, custom codes, and improvements.

Explore Our Readiness Dashboard

Navigating Your SAP S/4HANA Landscape

Regardless of your ECC system’s age, LMTEQ is your ally in ensuring it complies with the S/4HANA transition. We are here to guide you through every obstacle on your way to adopting the in-memory business suite.

Our Readiness Check dashboard offers an interactive interface that provides invaluable technical insights into your current ERP system. It covers essential aspects such as Active Business Functions, Add-On Compatibility, Custom Code Analysis, Recommended Fiori Apps, S/4HANA Sizing, Simplification Items, Business Process Analytics, and Data Volume Management.

This data empowers you with the technical knowledge needed to make informed decisions about your S/4HANA transition.

The LMTEQ Technical Advantage

  • Precise Assessment - A comprehensive scrutiny of your current SAP landscape, delving into the intricacies of your system's technical architecture. This assessment identifies potential technical bottlenecks, performance anomalies, and areas primed for optimization.

  • Customized Technical Roadmap - We craft an intricately detailed technical roadmap exclusively for your SAP S/4HANA migration. This roadmap aligned with your organization's distinct technical capabilities and constraints, guaranteeing a seamless transition with minimal disruptions and maximal technical benefits.

  • Risk Mitigation Strategies - Proactively identifying and skillfully mitigating potential technical pitfalls is our forte. Our team leverages its technical acumen to anticipate and neutralize risks that could impede a smooth transition to SAP S/4HANA.

  • Cost Optimization -- We are adept at formulating strategies to meticulously minimize technical expenditures and maximize the return on your technological investments throughout the migration process.

  • Compliance Assurance - We ensure that your technical infrastructure remains impeccably compliant with industry-specific and regulatory standards during and after post-migration. This includes meticulous attention to data security, privacy, and other technical compliance aspects.

Begin your transition, get your system checked, and make your way to S/4HANA with us.

Our SAP Expertise Unlocks Industry-Leading Solutions Across All Business Lines

At LMTEQ, our SAP S/4HANA experts go the extra mile to uncover the full potential of your business for conversion. We follow a meticulous step-by-step approach to reveal your S/4HANA possibilities.

A Empowering Innovations: Data Science and Digital Technology in Smart Offices

Self-Paced Readiness Check with Expert Guidance

 You have the option to perform your own readiness check with our expert assistance, or for an even smoother experience, allow us to execute the S4HANA Readiness Check 2.0 on your behalf and consolidate the results.

Extensive Gap Assessment

We provide comprehensive insights into the gaps within your current system and identify the missing functionalities essential for a successful transition.

    • adoption strategy

Predictive Dimensional Shift Analysis

Our experts offer predictive analysis, outlining the dimensional changes your system will undergo post-conversion.

Deciphering Examination

Following the readiness check dashboard, we meticulously decipher, analyze, and translate the results into a business context that’s easy for you to understand.

Collaborative SAP Expertise

The SAP specialists at LMTEQ work closely with you, ensuring the analysis and system check to simplify your journey, making it straightforward and hassle-free.

LMTEQ offers an array of technical assessment services

to ensure your S/4HANA transition is a resounding success

Why Choose LMTEQ as a
SAP Service Provider?

  • Authorized by SAP for excellence.
  • End-to-end SAP services.
  • SAP-certified professionals.
  • Tailored business solutions.
  • Expertise in SAP S/4HANA and HANA upgrades.
  • Worldwide support with local expertise.
  • 24/7 service and quick issue resolution.