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What is Dreamforce?

Aiming to unite the Salesforce community for exchange and education, Dreamforce is an annual conference. One of the biggest tech events in the world and the most important events in salesforce, the 180,000+ participants can look forward to witnessing a spectacle of Salesforce advancements as well as many training sessions and keynote speeches from inspirational speakers. 

There were numerous breakout sessions for various roles during Dreamforce’22, including sales, marketing, service, commerce, IT, development, architecture, partners, and more. Additionally, there was tailored material for particular sectors, such as manufacturing, automotive, retail, packaged products, financial services, and more.

What events took place in Dreamforce’22?

On September 23, 2022, Dreamforce 2022, the most significant events in salesforce for everyone in the Salesforce ecosystem, came to an end. The Salesforce community eagerly anticipated the event, and it certainly offered sessions that were filled with information. Future directions, major concepts, Salesforce innovations, and significant messages for the Salesforce community were outlined in the sessions.

  • The phenomenal Growth of the Trailblazers Community

    Salesforce stated at Dreamforce 2022 that there are 17 million Trailblazers, Muleys, Datafam, and Slack stars worldwide. When we contrast it with historical data, 2100 active community groups in 100 countries demonstrate Trailhead’s rising popularity.

  • Salesforce Revenue Projections, Awards, and Recognitions

    Salesforce stated at Dreamforce 2022 that it expects its revenue for this fiscal year to reach 31 billion USD. Additionally, Salesforce has won prizes for having the greatest workplaces in the world and was named the most innovative firm by Forbes.

  • The Salesforce Flow Automation

    For more potent automation features, Salesforce flow can be paired with Genie and Einstein activities. According to Salesforce, 44 billion autonomous processes are currently carried out every day, with a customer value of almost 2 trillion USD.

  • Conservation of Environment and Net Zero Cloud Marketplace

    The primary goals of this year’s event were environmental preservation and reforestation. Salesforce has been striving to conserve created species and use cutting-edge technologies, like artificial intelligence, to track the health of the ocean. To lessen the carbon imprint, the reforestation initiative aims to plant 1 trillion trees by the year 2030.

  • The New External Encryption Ecosystem and Hyperforce

    By distributing Salesforce products across all significant public clouds, Hyperforce unifies disparate clouds and enables Salesforce’s sustainable expansion with the aid of public cloud partners. By the end of this year, hyperforce will be available in 17 nations, according to Dreamforce’22 announcement.

  • The Salesforce Einstein Engine

    Over time, the potent AI tool known as the Einstein engine has expanded dramatically. Einstein is a set of AI solutions for CRM that enhances the intelligence of Salesforce users. Using the Einstein engine, users may use data to generate predictions in real time. According to Salesforce, the Einstein engine is now capable of creating 175 billion predictions each day, which is a new record.

  • Salesforce Genie for the Great Customer Experience

    One of Salesforce’s finest creations, the Salesforce Genie, saves massive amounts of data in real-time. The Salesforce Genie has improved the effectiveness of personalized customer assistance. Customers can be informed of future services and the most recent upgrade. Without the assistance of humans, the entire situation can be resolved by the combined efforts of the Salesforce genie and Einstein operations. B2C companies can also benefit from using the Salesforce Genie. The salesperson, brand ambassadors, and marketing staff have an easier time of it.

  • The Growing Support for Non-Profit Organizations

    More than 50,000 non-profit organizations are using the Salesforce platform, according to a statement made by Salesforce at Dreamforce 2022. In order to aid non-profit organizations in achieving their objectives, Salesforce offers free licenses to them. Post-pandemic On the Salesforce platform, Salesforce has assisted numerous nonprofit organizations in reviving their operations.

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