SAP, ServiceNow, and Salesforce Cloud Service Consulting Company | LMTEQ
LMTEQ’s team collaborated with our client, a prominent Fortune 500 company renowned for its expertise in audit, consulting, and tax services, to carry out the project aimed at enhancing the current AR/TM process. This case study explores the intricacies of the AR/TM initiative—a comprehensive effort crafted for implementing and advancing Accounts Receivable and Treasury Management processes.
The Objective
The AR/TM project aimed to implement and enhance processes related to Accounts Receivable and Treasury Management. The focus included resolving challenges associated with the dunning process and email notifications by implementing a solution that consolidates emails based on predefined criteria and streamlines forms for country-specific requirements.
Challenges and Pain Points
Embarking on its journey, the project demonstrated a keen awareness of the multifaceted challenges embedded in the existing financial processes. The primary hurdles revolved around the intricate nature of dunning and email notifications, demanding meticulous attention to detail and innovative problem-solving.
Delays and inefficiencies were faced in complex dunning processes, necessitating tailored strategies to align with diverse financial scenarios. Our team aimed to design a system that streamlines dunning and dynamically adapts to varying regional financial landscapes.
The challenge stemmed from fragmented email notifications, necessitating consolidation based on specific criteria for efficient and relevant communication. The team aimed to enhance communication efficiency while avoiding redundancy.
Fragmented forms were needed for country-specific finances, hindering a standardized approach. Balancing customization with standardization posed a challenge as the team adapted forms to meet unique country requirements while maintaining an overarching operational framework.
Overcoming the Challenges
Our team addressed complex challenges with a strategic approach:
Streamlining Dunning Processes
Email Consolidation
Customization-Standardization Balance
The team implemented the AR/TM project, yielding notable results in transforming financial operations for our client. The consolidation of emails for dunning and notifications, coupled with the merging of country-specific forms, streamlined processes, and enhanced operational efficiency.
Email Consolidation Efficiency
Successfully achieved a 40% reduction in email volume through consolidation, resulting in a more focused and organized communication channel.
Form Merger Success
Successfully merged country-specific forms, reducing form complexity and improving user experience by 30%
The AR/TM project undertaken by our team serves as a testament to the effectiveness of strategic implementation and development in addressing complex financial challenges. By overcoming hurdles related to dunning and email notifications, our client has not only streamlined its financial operations but also positioned itself for future growth and adaptability.
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- Deep technical expertise.
- Proactive collaborative approach.
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- Global client base.
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- 24/7 support services.