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ServiceNow Legal Service Delivery

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LMTEQ’s ServiceNow Legal Service Delivery System

At LMTEQ, we understand the importance of optimizing legal operations for enhanced organizational productivity. With our ServiceNow Legal Service Delivery System, we provide efficient deployment of optimal legal solutions. Whether it’s legal solutions, compliance, or contract management, our expert team is ready to guide you at every step.

Key Aspects of Legal Service Delivery System 

The Legal Service Delivery boosts overall organizational efficiency by empowering your in-house counsel team. A key capability is the “self-service” process, providing employees with tools to access comprehensive information swiftly.

This accelerates legal issue resolution, enabling the in-house counsel team to prioritize complex business matters efficiently.

Some of the core elements of legal service delivery systems are:

  • Enhance the service delivery by transforming legal intake into actionable insights.

  • Provide precise, expert legal services that exceed client expectations.

  • Enhance data-driven decision-making for improved legal services through market insights.

  • Adapt to the evolving corporate landscape, offering flexible and agile superior legal services.

  • Address legal demands efficiently through self-service options.

  • Increase practitioner efficiency with a centralized legal counsel center.

  • Quickly customize matter layouts to align with standard legal practices and policies.

  • Harness virtual agents for automated responses to common legal inquiries.

  • Real-time reporting offers insights into current demand and trends.

  • Deliver with industry best practices for a faster time to value.

Decide with confidence! LMTEQ and the ServiceNow Legal Delivery System – where streamlining meets excellence.

LMTEQ’s Significant Attributes

  • Legal Request Management – Our tailored legal workflow tools simplify case management, tasks, and collaboration for seamless workflows, real-time updates, heightened productivity, minimized errors, and improved transparency.

  • Legal Investigation System – Our legal workflow software includes an advanced evidence-tracking system, aiding the in-house counsel team in swiftly and efficiently making informed decisions on cases.

  • Legal Counsel Center – Our legal IT service features an extensive database of case resources, precedents, and best practices. This facilitates easy access to critical information for your in-house counsel team, enabling informed decision-making on a case-by-case basis.

  • Reporting –  Our solution offers ServiceNow Reporting, empowering your legal team with comprehensive analytics. This enables tracking and monitoring of KPIs, identification of trends and outliers, and, ultimately, the ability to make informed, data-driven decisions.

  • Employee Center – Our solution features an advanced employee-centric hub. Here, employees can access diverse legal resources, submit requests, track the status of pending requests, and receive conclusions efficiently—all under a unified platform. 

Go Beyond Limits With LMTEQ

  • Legal Conflict of Interest –   Our solution empowers you to oversee conflict of interest applications and monitor disclosure approval and registry procedures for situations stemming from employees' competing interests or loyalties.

  • Legal Document Automation –   Our solution utilizes ServiceNow to create automated templates and workflows, enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of legal document creation at an accelerated pace.

  • Legal Regulatory Management –   We assist you in staying current with intricate legal regulations effortlessly. Our solution offers comprehensive compliance features, including risk assessment, audit tracking, and policy management. These features empower your legal team to proactively address potential risks in the near future.

"Ready to optimize legal services and mitigate risks efficiently? LMTEQ guides you through every step of the Legal Service Optimization journey."

Collaborate with our experts to pinpoint process gaps and devise a customized plan aligned with your business goals. Begin the journey