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Enhanced user experience in SAP Fiori iOS and Android app

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How did SAP Fiori iOS App & Android App come into being ?

It is a well- known fact that iOS and Android are the giants in both the consumer and enterprise markets. We are also aware of the deep impact of mobile technology in our day to day lives. What if the power of this technology is combined with the user experience of SAP Fiori? (Refer toWhat is SAP Fiori? ” to read more about it. ). The result is a smooth workflow with native device features for all enterprise customers. This is how SAP Fiori iOS app and Android app came into being.

SAP Fiori Mobile Client

SAP Fiori Mobile Client is a native runtime collection of SAP Fiori apps. In other words, it is a container for all the different SAP Fiori apps. SAP Mobile Platform SDK is used to build custom Fiori mobile clients for both iOS and Android. They provide common business operations such as approving/rejecting proposals, looking at key insight data and other real-time information on both iPhone and iPad. As a result of this, action can be taken immediately, increasing productivity multi-fold.

So, why do we need the SAP Fiori Mobile Client? Why not the web browser to run the Fiori apps on our mobile devices?”

Advantages of using the SAP Fiori Mobile Client

Device Specific

Firstly, we can make use of the device-specific capabilities such as the camera, contact information and send push notifications by using the SAP Fiori Mobile Client. The same is not possible when the Fiori apps run on a mobile web browser.

Mobile Cache

Next, let’s look at how Fiori apps manage mobile cache. When Fiori apps opens in the mobile browser, the web browser’s cache stores the web app’s components. This results in slower performance while using mobile data instead of WI FI. In the case of our SAP Fiori mobile Client, it has complete control of the cache. Therefore, the web app’s components are not loaded each time the web app opens, thereby boosting performance.

Device Screen Usage

This is the last but not the least of the reasons for using a SAP Fiori Mobile Client. The default browser takes up space that the Fiori apps require. By using the SAP Fiori Mobile Client, the device’s screen increases the  speed of usage. This is because the number of back and forth switches from the web browser to other apps is minimal, consequently providing a consistent user experience.
We can clearly see the need for a SAP Fiori Mobile Client. It is now time to delve into each one of the mobile clients;  SAP Fiori for iOS and SAP Fiori for android, one by one.

SAP Fiori for iOS

It is a design language that helps partners and customers to make native mobile apps. These apps unify growing business needs of a modern enterprise with the principles of a great iOS design.
SAP and Apple partnered to create a set of tools that help developers to build enterprise apps. They used Apple SDK on SAP cloud platform. As a part of this attempt, tools like “Swift” provided the developer with a set of pre-built UI components and enabled easy access to features like Touch ID and Notifications.
Apple users obviously prefer having native IOS experience while using Fiori on their Apple devices. SAP Cloud Platform Apple SDK fulfills this. It makes native Apple characteristics available on SAP Fiori iOS app.
Lets look at some of the recent add-on in SAP Fiori for iOS !

Recently added capabilities of SAP Fiori for iOS include

Map Routes: This allows the user to tap on different stop sites and view their information without leaving the map.
Hierarchy pattern: Lets users view relationships between different objects within a group.
Accessibility:  Support for settings from iOS default to AX5.
RTL Support:  Right to left support for all controls and views.
OCR Scanner : User can scan and input text without typing.
New Chart types
Timeline control enhancements
Dark mode: When user chooses the dark mode system interface he sees new color palettes, color styles and text styles.

SAP Fiori for Android

It is a design language that merges the Fiori user interface with the Android operating system to deliver enterprise apps. These apps fulfill the needs of users and businesses with modern designs.
Developers are able to create native android apps that increase the productivity of employees, by using the SAP Cloud Platform SDK for Android.
SAP Fiori for Android, provides a look and feel that both the SAP users of Fiori and the native Android users are familiar and comfortable with.
Let’s look at some of the recent enhancements in SAP Fiori for Android !

Recently added capabilities of SAP Fiori for Android include

Hierarchy view: This shows the hierarchical relationships between objects
Map enhancements: Allows users to create poly lines and polygons that represent objects
Collection view: Users can easily identify items when content is highly visual.
Simple property cell with scan: This provides an efficient way of entering data. It currently supports bar code and QR code scan.
Bar Charts
Column Charts
Consent form for data privacy


In conclusion, SAP Mobile Platform SDK is used to develop SAP Fiori Client app. It is the native runtime holder of SAP Fiori apps. SAP Fiori client for iOS and Android combine the UX of Fiori and power of native device technology to provide the end user with a great work experience, thereby increasing productivity.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]